Welcome to my blog on Novenas Navideñas

Welcome to my blog on Novenas Navideñas, here you will learn what they are and why I like them so much!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

What are Novenas Navideñas???

Novenas Navideñas are a series of nine celebrations that take place every day for nine consecutive days before Christmas day. They are usually held at night time when families and friends get together to prepare for the great day of Christmas. They usually have a big dinner, talk about the season, share their plans for Christmas day and most importantly they pray together. But what do they pray about? do they always repeat the same things for nine consecutive nights? No, every night has a different part of the story from when the Angel Gabriel announced that heaven had chosen Mary to be the Mother of Jesus, all the way through the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.